Insertion Sort Steps are as follows:
- In the begining step the leftmost number is considered fully sorted.
- Next step, from the remaining numbers the leftmost number is taken out and compared to the already sorted numbers to its left side.
- If the already sorted number is larger than current number, swap the two numbers.
- Repeat the operation until a smaller number identified, or the number reaches the left end.
- The same steps are repeated until all the numbers are fully sorted.
The Insertion sort is approximately double faster from the Bubble sort algorithm.
Insertion Sort Complexities
Time Complexity
Best Case = O(n)
Average Case = O(n²)
Worst Case = O(n²)
Space Complexity = O(1)
Sample Code in Java for Insertion Sort Algorithm class
package com.learning.algorithm.insertionSort;
public class InsertionSortTest {
private long[] inputValuesArray; // reference to array
private int items; // number of data items
* Parameterized constructor of InsertionSortTest class
public InsertionSortTest(int max) {
inputValuesArray = new long[max]; // create an array with provided value
items = 0; // set data items to zero
* perform insert sorting on unsorted data
public void insertSort() {
int outerLoop, innerVal;
System.out.println("Unsorted Input Values.... ");
display(); // print unsorted array values once
for (outerLoop = 1; outerLoop < items; outerLoop++) { // iterate the loop in forward order
Long currentOuterLoopValue = inputValuesArray[outerLoop]; // select value to compare
innerVal = outerLoop; // assign outerLoop index to innerLoop
while(innerVal > 0 && inputValuesArray[innerVal-1] >= currentOuterLoopValue) {// until innerLoop values are small
inputValuesArray[innerVal] = inputValuesArray[innerVal-1];
-- innerVal; //move one position left
System.out.println("\ninserted " + currentOuterLoopValue + " in the position of " + inputValuesArray[innerVal]);
inputValuesArray[innerVal] = currentOuterLoopValue; // insert the selected value
* insert the value into the array
public void insert(long value) {
inputValuesArray[items] = value; // insert the value in array
items++; // increment size
* display the array contents
public void display() {
for (int j = 0; j < items; j++) // iterate for each element
System.out.print(inputValuesArray[j] + " \t"); // print the value
} class
package com.learning.algorithm.insertionSort;
public class InsertionSortMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int maxSize = 50; // array max size
InsertionSortTest insertionSortTest; // reference to InsertionSortTest
insertionSortTest = new InsertionSortTest(maxSize); // create the InsertionSortTest array with maximum size
insertionSortTest.insert(65); // insert some values into InsertionSortTest array
insertionSortTest.insertSort(); // perform insertion sorting on inserted data
Output of the sample Java program
# Unsorted Input Values....
65 1 0 54 21 52 19 57 18 16
# inserted 1 in the position of 65
1 65 0 54 21 52 19 57 18 16
# inserted 0 in the position of 1
0 1 65 54 21 52 19 57 18 16
# inserted 54 in the position of 65
0 1 54 65 21 52 19 57 18 16
# inserted 21 in the position of 54
0 1 21 54 65 52 19 57 18 16
# inserted 52 in the position of 54
0 1 21 52 54 65 19 57 18 16
# inserted 19 in the position of 21
0 1 19 21 52 54 65 57 18 16
# inserted 57 in the position of 65
0 1 19 21 52 54 57 65 18 16
# inserted 18 in the position of 19
0 1 18 19 21 52 54 57 65 16
# inserted 16 in the position of 18
0 1 16 18 19 21 52 54 57 65